012 ~ Kerzner and Acknowledgment in the PMBOK® Guide

As part of the Center for Grateful Leadership there are a lot of questions regarding the Power of Acknowledgment

Since many of the people in the Center for Grateful Leadership play a Project Manager Role, the question regarding when will Acknowledgment be added to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge has been raised several times.  

This guide is also referred to as the PMBOK® Guide and the current edition, the 5th edition, does not contain a reference to acknowledgment.

I took the question on Acknowledgment being part of the PMBOK® Guide to Dr. Kerzner to get his opinion on the subject

Come listen to his insights regarding the Guide to the Project Management Book of Knowledge and the Power of Acknowledgment

KEYWORDS: Kerzner; PMBOK®; Art; Grateful; Leadership; Center; Leadership; Management; PM; Project Management; #IWorkForGM; Acknowledgment; Judy Umlas;