040 ~ Gratitude – Don’t Start A Day Without It

I woke this morning and lay in bed for a few minutes before before getting out.  

Ok, maybe it was a little more than a few minutes

I stopped,

Heard my wife’s breathing next to me and the rustling of my daughter upstairs, preparing for another day of high school.

The dat was beginning.

As I was relaxing there, I began to think about all of the things for which I am thankful.

And a wave of gratitude swept over me

As I swung my legs off the bed and my feet onto the floor,

I remembered my 84 year-old father that is a victim of polio

He has all but lost all functioning of his legs

And yet he keeps moving forward with life.

KeyWords: #IWorkForGM; Grateful Leader; Jim Trela; Judy Umlas; Center for Grateful Leadership; Art of Grateful Leadership; Leadership; Management; motivation