Grateful Leaders Win – September 2021 Acrostic

Get The Right Attitude Through Gratitude

by Harry Waldron


Football & other sports are underway around the world.   Author Harry Waldron follows UVA and VA Tech college teams as a life-long fan. Through the years these teams have had coaches, who are “Grateful Leaders”.  During 2019, UVA coach Tony Bennett won the 2019 national basketball championship, against all odds.  He focused on bringing out the best in each player, both in talent and character.  Likewise, when business teams are well coached, affirmed, and appreciated – good things happen – it’s called “WINNING”


Grateful leadership is a winning strategy in sports, work, and at home

Recognize and reward winners, as they cross the finish line

Acknowledgment and gratitude still work in our virtual 21st-century offices

Talents and skills grow more readily when there is a “+” tone at work

Each “thank you” promotes a more grateful world

Find creative ways to use grateful leadership virtually

Understand others more fully before rushing to judgment

Learn to be patient when working with others during difficult times


Leadership is the art of coaching individuals to achieve peak performance

Effective leaders teach best by becoming a “+” role model themselves

Affirm others even during times of needed critique and improvement

Diverse individuals can only work in harmony through “+” leadership

Even the best coaches will lose games, as the winning team emerges

Run up the score on gratitude and acknowledgment

Set high goals & professional standards for yourself and your team


Win by “being all that you can be” and inspiring others to do likewise

In football, one must huddle the team together and plan a course of action

New victories and growth occur as grateful leaders coach their winning teams